—: Mercury :—
gor . . . but my dogs is tired a messengerboy i know told me when we met in the street car carfare . . . sure i get carfare i spend a dollar a day carfare but theres lots of places a car don't go and you gotta hike why today i been up to the printers seventeen times s'helpme it is a strange thought but one of the many feet of big business is in the shoes of dogtired messenger boys
Jesse Thompson (p. 1927, etc.)
P: Overland Monthly & Out West (1927), etc.
“Jesse Thompson gives us something in ‘Songs of Civilisation’ and why not? Newspaper men and advertising men are supposed to know the songs of civilisation if anyone does.” (The Overland Monthly, 1927)
Make of that what you will, haha. I haven’t been able to find any more information on Thompson, but the small set of poems they left behind are so good: both critically sharp and poetically striking.
For Jesse Thompson by Dick Whyte out of work i pick bits of half- smoked weed from an old jar of ash xoxo dw
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