Dick, I love the way you braided the thoughts of Kreymborg, Deleuze & Guattari, Judith Butler together with poetry fragments. As always, it is so timely and fresh. Here we are today, cycling through the same set human yearnings for more peace and more understanding. The heartbreak of it all. Food for the poets--then and now.💛
Aw thanks Ann - love that you got that. Yeah agreed - we must yearn at least, even in the face of such a shitshow. Food for our bellies, food for our brains. 🖤
'The will that kills the will to die.' There are so many great lines in these poems, Dick. Your response is spot on, as always. Thanks for what you do.
Dick, I love the way you braided the thoughts of Kreymborg, Deleuze & Guattari, Judith Butler together with poetry fragments. As always, it is so timely and fresh. Here we are today, cycling through the same set human yearnings for more peace and more understanding. The heartbreak of it all. Food for the poets--then and now.💛
Aw thanks Ann - love that you got that. Yeah agreed - we must yearn at least, even in the face of such a shitshow. Food for our bellies, food for our brains. 🖤
"How many monkeys are you?" !!!!!!!
Such a great line! 🖤
Sing, sing!
The last line of “The Tree” made me smile. Altogether enjoyable post.
Hehe - yeah, it's a banger :-) Cheers Thomas.
'The will that kills the will to die.' There are so many great lines in these poems, Dick. Your response is spot on, as always. Thanks for what you do.
Aw cheers Rod - really appreciate it. Yeah, Kreymborg has a knack for spitting bars. Good lines abound. 🖤
I can't
shape this thing
Yeah - one of my favourite moments in a poem ever. Big sigh. 🖤