Such careful word choices. -- almost reminds me of Milton in that way. Striking and rich.
I love both of your poems. Especially the second one, which I feel has a beautiful layer to it: by saying "worlds bent into words" and "those we call the birds," I feel it almost paints a picture of a bird as its very own world, bent into its very own word: bird.
Love that - striking and rich! :-) I thought you might appreciate them, as you recently said you enjoyed rhymed poetry as well.
Aw cheers Hasse - your reading of that final poem is spot on. I had hoped someone would pick up on the wor(l)d play with those concepts. Love what you found in it! Thank you so much for the close reading. Means a lot.
brilliant images!
Ikr - Earl had such a way with words!
“sorrow-sphere” !!!!!
What a phrase! 🖤
I love your poems of response, Dick. They seem to fit Betty so well.
Awww thanks Rod - really appreciate it 🖤
I grabbed onto “worlds bent into words.” Wonderful poems. Seemingly simple but not.
Love that description LeeAnn - "seemingly simple but not." Sums up Earl's poetry so well for me. 🖤
"hope like hell
it rains—"
Aw thanks Corie - really appreciate it 🖤
"Spirit" reminds me of the Gwendolyn Brooks poem, We Real Cool. The staccato of the short lines and rhymes is super effective!
Ohhh definitely, I see what you mean. Staccato is the perfect word for it. Love Brooks so much. 🖤
Such careful word choices. -- almost reminds me of Milton in that way. Striking and rich.
I love both of your poems. Especially the second one, which I feel has a beautiful layer to it: by saying "worlds bent into words" and "those we call the birds," I feel it almost paints a picture of a bird as its very own world, bent into its very own word: bird.
Love that - striking and rich! :-) I thought you might appreciate them, as you recently said you enjoyed rhymed poetry as well.
Aw cheers Hasse - your reading of that final poem is spot on. I had hoped someone would pick up on the wor(l)d play with those concepts. Love what you found in it! Thank you so much for the close reading. Means a lot.
a tear—
A little human sorrow-sphere . . .
Held only one shy, wistful thought.
Tears are a magic trick, a miracle. This is so beautiful, Dick 💛
Awww I know what you mean. 🖤 So beautiful.
“wizard-wings” !! What an image!
I know right! She has a real way with words 🖤
I am caught in the "sorrow-sphere" ... I have no words, just love for all of these poems.
Totally agree! So good. Love the translation :-)