She's so great! It's a such a pleasure - I had a really fun time looking through her artworks and restoring them - I always love being able to do a post with lots of art in it ☺️
Yeah - I was so happy to find all the illustrations to restore and use as well. It really adds something to the whole experience. :-) Yeah - that poem, damn. One of the finest. And such an important aspect of black poetry at the time - as you say, rebirthing perceptions of the self, and providing new ways of appreciating each other. So important. Aw thanks Hasse - that means a lot - it came from a very real place. 🖤
Thanks for sharing this ❤️
Such a pleasure Paul 🖤
I think Mary Effie and I could have been fast friends! 💙
Awww I love that - best feeling to have about a poet I reckon 🖤
Oh wow! I recently discovered Mary Effie Lee Newsome. Thank you for sharing.
She's so great! It's a such a pleasure - I had a really fun time looking through her artworks and restoring them - I always love being able to do a post with lots of art in it ☺️
I love that she was multi-talented — a poet, illustrator, and a librarian.
So awesome to have her illustrations mixed in as well. Great job on the presentation!
The Bronze Legacy really moved me. It reminds me of the power of poetry -- to rebirth our perceptions, in the face of whatever norms surround us.
Your poem has real spiritual warmth.
Yeah - I was so happy to find all the illustrations to restore and use as well. It really adds something to the whole experience. :-) Yeah - that poem, damn. One of the finest. And such an important aspect of black poetry at the time - as you say, rebirthing perceptions of the self, and providing new ways of appreciating each other. So important. Aw thanks Hasse - that means a lot - it came from a very real place. 🖤
Every poem a small miracle... Thank you!
sunset kissed me and all shorts
of colours gathered to praise earth’s
mighty browns who sold by the whites
followed the swallows and the rest
of the birds that sing among
the boughs of the trees
while the soil below
hums to cicadas’
ancient song
oh wow, I love your poem
Awww thanks Kerry - really appreciate it 🖤