Sidney Hunt - 4 Short Poems (1927-29)
Forgotten Poems #73: Queer Illustrator & Poet
—: Untitled :— w h i t e limp droop UP h r o u g h p i n k t o R R E Drooping ——— E D D droopink kto ww white
—: Sea On Jetty :— kkkrrrPPLOCKKKKKkkkkkrrrrrrpprtrrrsssssSSSSSSHHH plopp SCHAPLittytizz ttttrrrrrrsshhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ———— ———— Llppitlappitl shlip shlap shlop hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh KRAKKKKKKRRRR.........QQQQQQsssTTSrrrGGGGGG lippllappilippilappl shalap shllp shloppizzzzz vvvvvuvvvvvvvssvvvvvvvvvvvvv
—: July 5th 1929 :— a man told me today he slept in segovia and killed 3 bugs on his pillow hell i care though to sleep with bugs is no pleasure his wife turned over and saw another so another misunderstanding occurred because we gave our order originally through the agent Sells with whom to hell tell me mother another story of pretty boys sleeping on bugless beds with drooping singing hipscurled in one thing and the other a thing of beauty is a bore for ever and a day is born again the sun is risen the day is ended down where the sun goes down and out they come the little buggers they creep into sleep and dreams droop over my hips sing a soft pink song insidious oundless
Sidney Hunt (1896-1940) was a well-known English book-plate designer and queer illustrator of the 1920s, who also published avant-garde poetry in underground literary journals like Transition (founded by Maria McDonald and Eugene Jolas) and Blues: A Magazine of New Rhythms (edited by Charles Henri Ford).
Hunt studied at the Slade School of Fine Art in London, and was a member of the progressive art group, ‘Seven and Five Society’ (1926-1932), during which time he began publishing the English avant-garde arts magazine Ray (1926-1927), featuring a range of work by abstract and conceptual artists and writers, including Kazimir Malevich, László Moholy-Nagy, Kurt Schwitters, El Lissitsky, Theo van Doesburg, Hans Arp, and Gertrude Stein, et al.
For Sidney Hunt by Dick Whyte nuuuuuuun mmmmmmm ooooooooo la la la la la ssssssssssssssi laaaaaaaaan sssssssssssssss pop! quaaaaaaaa? raaaaaaaaay spasssssssssss tiq(toq)tiq(toq) stirrrrrrr=star planet=plant persssssssept me(moreeee) (thouuuuu)ht
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Fuuuuuuuun. I wonder did Sidney take inspiration from ee Cummings in that first poem?